How do you maintain Healthy Summer Skin?
Summer is usually a fun time, especially to visit the beaches. However, with the rising weather, you can find increasing humidity, resulting in excess natural oils to be produced by your sebaceous glands. This can lead to greasy skin and blocked pores in your skin, leading to breakouts. So, how does one combat these issues? Here are a few tips to keep in mind that will aid in maintaining healthy summer skin.
1. Exfoliate
Exfoliating your skin twice a week can help reduce the greasiness on your skin, and also gets rid of any dirt stuck on your skin. Use any exfoliating scrub that is suitable for your skin type, or even make one at home, by mixing one part of coconut oil with two parts of coconut oil, and rubbing that on your face for two minutes in a circular motion. You can also use this to exfoliate your lips.
2. Sunscreen
UV-A and UV-B rays from the sun are extremely harmful for our skin. They cause rough skin, breakouts and fine lines. An ideal sunscreen to use would be an SPF 40-50. For all those trips to the beach, it is best to reapply sunscreen repeatedly for healthy summer skin. Make sure you don’t forget to apply a lip balm with SPF on your lips.
3. Antioxidant Skincare Products
Try to incorporate serums with antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, since they prevent free radicals from causing damage to your skin. You can also consume more citric fruits to aid in this.
4. Non-greasy moisturizer
Find a moisturizer that suits your skin type, and preferably, includes Vitamin C and SPF. It is important to keep your skin hydrated during the summer. For best results, apply moisturizer to damp skin after showering.
These are some of the skincare tips in order to ensure that your skin does not suffer due to the increasing heat. Do check out my post for more tips on how to maintain healthy skin!