Dork The Incredible Adventures of Robin Einstein Varghese

  • Dork The Incredible Adventures of Robin Einstein Varghese
    Dork The Incredible Adventures of Robin Einstein Varghese
  • Blurb - Dork The Incredible Adventures of Robin Einstein Varghese
    Dork The Incredible Adventures of Robin Einstein Varghese

Dork The Incredible Adventures of Robin Einstein Varghese

Who is the author of the book?

Dork: The Incredible Adventures of Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese is written by Sidin Vadukut.

Brief Description of the book.

In April 2006 Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese, an extraordinarily artless but academically gifted young man (he was ranked 41st in his class), graduates from one of India’s best business schools with a Day-Zero job at the Mumbai office of Dufresne Partners, a mediocre mid-market management consulting firm largely run by complete losers.

Varghese finds that he fits into the culture extraordinarily well. Or does he?

Through a stunning series of inaccuracies, misfortunes and unintentional mistakes, Robin begins to make his seniors regret the day they were driven by desperation into employing him. To make matters worse, Robin realizes that his crazy, intense one-sided relationship with B-school batchmate Gouri Kalbag might be over before it even started. With things going amazingly wrong, will he manage to attain his short-term of being promoted to associate in under a year, and beat the record set by Boris Nguyen at Dufresne’s Vietnam office? Will love conquer all? Will Gouri walk with him through Dadar Department Stores with her hand in the rear pocket of his jeans?

What made me choose to read this book?

My friends recommended it to me.

What did I feel after reading the last page of the book?

I felt great and refreshed as the books was very hilarious and interesting.

Would I recommend it to someone or not and why?

Yes. I would recommend this book to everyone who likes comedy and humor.

Any movie/tv series based on this book?


Any prequel/sequel to this book?

Yes this book is the first book in the Dork trilogy. This book is succeeded by God Save the Dork.


  • A hilarious book.


  • Nothing much.

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8.3 Total Score

A great book to read.

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